Sunday 11 July 2010

Early feminists campaigned for children and other vulnerable individuals

Ann Farmer, a pro-life feminist and author, sent me the following comment on Antonia Senior's honest pro-abortion article in The Times on which I commented last week:
"Antonia Senior is commendably frank in admitting that abortion takes a human life, but in claiming that abortion ('women's control of their fertility') is the lesser evil, she is implying that having a child is the greater evil. No doubt she would argue that the greater evil in her view would be a woman having a child she did not want - but where does this approach leave the unwanted child? It is surely the case that there are many infertile couples who would welcome the chance to give a home to an unwanted child. But even if this were not so, surely being unwanted should not be a reason for being killed? If that is indeed the case, then nobody is safe. If this is a feminist stance, it should be remembered that the early feminists campaigned not just for women but for children and other vulnerable individuals - they did not use their oppressed status to demand the right to oppress those even more vulnerable. In view of the fact that many abortions are carried out because pregnant women lack the support of the child's father, or are even pressured or coerced into abortion, Senior's stance would put women on the side of the oppressor. Before legalisation, at least such women had the protection of the law against being pushed into abortion - now the State sanctions abuse of both women and unborn babies."
Ann Farmer's publications include By Their Fruits: Eugenics, Population Control and the Abortion Campaign, The Language of Life: Christians facing the abortion challenge  and Prophets and Priests, The Hidden Face of the Birth Control Movement

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