Thursday 14 June 2012

Read this letter on how homosexual acts are being promoted among children

Dr Lisa Nolland
Dr Lisa Nolland (pictured), social historian, family issues expert and leading figure in Anglican Mainstream, has very kindly given me permission to publish a letter (below) she has sent to her member of parliament, which reveals how homosexual acts are being promoted among children. I hope that Dr Nolland's excellent letter will increase the sense of urgency among readers about opposing same-sex marriage and thus protecting our children. (See SPUC's position paper and background paper on why SPUC as a pro-life organisation is campaigning to defend real marriage and oppose same-sex marriage)

Before reading Dr Nolland's excellent letter, please be warned that the materials she references are graphic, shocking and revolting.
"I am deeply concerned about the impact of gay ‘marriage’ which the Prime Minister continues to endorse, on issues of schools and education.

The Terrence Higgins Trust is a ‘charity’ which has been generously funded by the state to work with kids age 14 and older in schools around the country. Its site materials are labelled as mainstream sexual ‘health’ and endorsed by the NHS. The NHS page for Young People even directs kids to a page on the THT site which features its ‘Playzones’, THT-sponsored venues for semi-public, anonymous, promiscuous sex in dark toilets and saunas, with tips on illegal anal drug use and cleaning up the blood produced by such sex acts afterwards. ‘Playzones’ are endorsed by the NHS and the London Metropolitan Police.

I attach another NHS- and THT- endorsed sexual ‘health’ book for ‘gay’ children 13 and up in Dorset, ‘The Sexy Stuff’. These organisations are essentially endorsing high-risk sex activity like rimming and anal sex. The latter is 20 times more risky that vaginal sex, because of the fragile construction of the rectal wall and the very real possibility of tearing the membrane and subsequent leakage back into the blood stream of rectal content which is packed with pathogenic organisms. It is one of the reasons MSM (men who have sex with men) experience such high rates of STIs./STDs (including HIV/AIDS). In this country HIV/AIDS rates among the MSM community (ca. 1-2% of the population) comprise almost 75% of new HIV infections sexually acquired in the UK (2010), and this figure continues to climb. In terms of expense, it costs more than £300,000 per patient for a lifetime of care. One in 11 MSMs in London is estimated to be HIV positive, according to the BMJ (British Medical Journal, p. 11, 31 March 2012). According to THT, ca. 1/4 of those remain unaware of their status. Even THT admits AIDS is still a killer (680 died in 2010).

I understand no one wants to sound the alarm because this stuff is so appalling, and any critique of the gay world is damned as homophobic and a harbinger of professional suicide. Such is the result of the pressure exerted on almost every one of our mainstream institutions by LGBT rights groups. However, this content is dangerous and damaging and if gay ‘marriage’ becomes legal we will get far more of this directly pumped into schools. This has already happened in Massachusetts, which legalized gay ‘marriage’ in 2004. The following year kids (11 and up) received the appalling Little Black Book in a school context.
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Gay marriage entails gay sex. Legalising gay ‘marriage’ will make mandatory the teaching about gay relationships and gay sex. In the powerful name of LGBT rights, graphic materials like those produced by THT will become much more mainstream for underage teens. If gay relationships are included and protected under the umbrella of the institution of marriage, anyone who tries to take a stand against the promotion of this material will be seen as anti-gay and effectively silenced. Even now, it is nigh impossible to get anyone in public office to address this egregious content – who will venture to do this when gay ‘marriage’ is legal?

This is a simply massive issue which has been whitewashed, denied, and ignored by this ‘pro-family’ government. We are in fact damaging children and young people because we are allowing special interest groups access to school populations, knowing that on their sites (which kids are assured provide good advice) they are tacitly or overtly encouraged to experiment with high-risk, psychologically and physically dangerous sex acts which can cost them their lives. We teach our children to wash their hands after going to the toilet; the THT’s site resource, ‘The Bottom Line’ (p. 16) describes individuals who gain sexual stimulation by eating human faeces as part of their sex ‘play’. What madness is happening here?

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, ‘Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act’.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Lisa Nolland"
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