Thursday 12 December 2013

Read The Telegraph's moving obituary of Alison Davis

Today's edition of The Telegraph has a moving obituary of Alison Davis, the leader of No Less Human, SPUC's division for disabled people. It starts:
"Alison Davis , who has died aged 58, was a severely disabled woman who became a prominent campaigner against the legalisation of assisted suicide, a campaign which was all the more potent because for many years she had wanted to end her own life."
and further down reads:
"From 1983 Alison Davis began working for SPUC’s new Handicap Division (later renamed No Less Human), and after two pilgrimages to Lourdes she was received into the Catholic Church in 1991.

In the years that followed she became a leading spokeswoman not only in opposition to attempts to introduce legislation allowing assisted suicide, but on such matters as abortion, genetic screening and embryonic stem cell research, which she acknowledged might potentially help people with conditions like hers, but opposed on the basis of the belief that life begins at the moment of conception."
and concludes:
"In 2002 Alison Davis won the Clarins Woman of the Year title for her charity work, and the following year was named Britain’s most inspirational woman in a competition organised by the Body Shop and Marie Claire magazine."
The online version of the obituary features a YouTube video of a testimonial by Alison in 2011:

Details about Alison's funeral tomorrow can be found at

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